In a recent webinar hosted by Dustin Haisler, President of e.Republic, Jeana Bigham, Executive Director of Content Studio, and Becki Johnson, Director of Operations for Content Studio, they discussed the four things content needs to spark genuine interest and drive meaningful engagement with public-sector leaders.

So, what’s the secret? According to our dynamic trio, your content needs to check these four boxes

  1. Data-driven content 📈 It’s critical to create content around a solid foundation of current research, surveys and in-depth interviews with state, local and education decision-makers. This gives your content a source of truth and a voice of authority.
  2. Leverage success stories ⭐️ Nothing resonates with the public-sector quite like seeing successful implementation of innovation. By incorporating real-world examples of how government and education customers have implemented solutions successfully, your content becomes instantly relevant and relatable.
  3. Timely and relevant topics ⏰ Engaging content is more than pushing products or services. Pair your messaging with the latest trends and issues in the industry to ensure your content stays timely and relevant for your audience.
  4. Engaging content 💻 With actionable advice woven through data-driven insights and success stories, your content becomes engaging experience that resonates on a whole new level.

What’s Next?
With a clear understanding of the key elements that make content engaging and impactful for public-sector audiences, it’s time to harness the power of content marketing to elevate your organizations profile. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or want to bring an idea to life, our team is here to guide you through the creative process. Explore our catalog to see examples of our work or contact us to schedule a consultation. We’ll show you how content marketing can help you stand out from the crowds, drive meaningful connections and leave a lasting impact.